Services offered

We offer services in the following areas to clients from around the world:

Feasibility studies

To evaluate the attractiveness of entering the biofuels industry, from short pre-feasibility studies to full analyses including recommendations how to most profitably structure a market entry


Business plans

For companies wishing to enter the biofuels industry, which can be presented to potential sources of financing


Plant and process optimization

To maximize the profitability of existing operations


Partner searches

To find investors, acquisition targets, or customers and support the negotiation of favourable contracts


Due diligences and second opinions

For investors to analyze the soundness of providing financing for a specific project

Industry surveys

Global or regional overviews of the biofuels industry or specific aspects and trends within the industry


Fuel standard development

Support in formulating national biofuel standards that meet the intended customers’ quality requirements and thereby promote market acceptance


Research, Development, and Dissemination

Testing new feedstock sources, providing training regarding laboratory testing procedures, and providing instruction how to convert fleets to run on biofuels